Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Collage Workshops

As I mentioned in one of my earlier blog posts, I have never really been one for collage. I found the whole process quite disordered and often became impatient. However, after the recent playbook sessions I feel silly for not just getting into it due to the playful and unexpected results! Using pages of made marks to cut up and use alongside magazine cut outs allowed for such a vast range of options! I've suddenly started combining all of the different applications of media we've used over the last few months into single images. 

These images showcase some of the pieces I produced over these collage sessions. I like the way a pattern or group of marks cut into a shape can inspire such imaginative characters or things in my head - a really useful way of coming up with ideas. 

These drawings where produced in response to a lecture we were shown about creativity. I found myself not particularly focussing on the lecture nor the drawing I was doing. It was more like I sort of half zoned into each of the activities and somehow ended up at the end with these two pages. I like the way that I must have been subconsciously influenced by what i was hearing in the lecture, this approach to making is something I want to practice more. 

Over the holidays we were given the task to produce a photograph that employs techniques used in collage within the photo. So no editing or touching up after the shutter has clicked. It all had to be formed in the lens of the camera. At first this sounded quite complex and I was racking my brain for ideas that could sum an aspect of myself up on camera. I decided to go to my friends and ask them about what they found reminded them of me. I got quite a lot of replies relating to my dog like nature. So considering I have a dog, I decided to dress up as him and create a fantasy doggy like world. 

I found the process really enjoyable but think that the final image struggles to communicate my idea effectively. After coming back and showing all our images to the class, I found mine was hard for many to understand. Some thinking I was dressed as a character or something from tv. 
In hindsight I should've tried more to incorporate the idea. Potentially including my dog in the photo?

Final Reflective Report

The extended project has allowed me to investigate a range of concepts and practical processes that are fundamental to my practice. I feel...