Had a small show and tell of our work today in session. It was really useful in helping me understand the way an audience would interpret the work I've made so far on this brief. I now have new ideas in terms of how I'd like to present my work in the exhibition. I am trying to combine the three GIFs I've made so far into one file that giltches in and out of focus between the free portraits. As well as this digital display it has been suggested that I make a zine combining the collages I made initially with the digital edits & scans I produced along the way. This could also be a chance to include a touch more contextual information about my topic. Then for my final piece I could make a poster that showcases the merged images. I'm grateful for this feedback as I think this will generate a more interesting display of work thanks to the variety of display methods. The only problem I have with this is the time constraint. I'm worried that making a zine would require too much time. I shall investigate it tomorrow - hopefully all fine!
Seeing the work of others today was really inspiring. The shear range of concepts was really entertaining. I am now hopeful that in a few years to come we will have constructed a further couple of planets that orbit around us. Connected by mysterious tunnels where we can house and breed all the endangered animal species..!
Due to going on a (badly planned) holiday next week I will be missing the final week of work and exhibition which is a shame. This means I have to try and pack as much into this week as possible and ensure everything is done!
To do:
- Make (touch up) final GIF(s)
- Print poster
- Make a zine!!!!
I'm really happy with how this project has gone so far, I think it's been my favourite brief of the year. The conceptual element of it has allowed me to really get into my ideas and develop them into pieces of work that I am proud of.
Final Reflective Report
The extended project has allowed me to investigate a range of concepts and practical processes that are fundamental to my practice. I feel...
Through one of the links attached by Matt in the recent tutorial I had I found this website created by Simen Røyseland. Before being ...
DISCLAIMER: I only managed to get after effects running properly on my laptop around a week before submission, as I had an ongoing i...
So, after having a good chat with Ben the other day I feel like I have got my mojo back a bit. I often find the beginning phase of the big b...