I have decided to use GIF's to present the final images. The reason I decided on this is that I feel it's more relevant to my idea, I want to create static images that look as if they are slightly glitching but remain mostly still. This is to communicate that idea of humans being lost to technology.
In the first scans I was doing I made an effort to include lots of information in the background using images of circuit boards and microscopic images of viruses. However I tried reducing the amount of images I used and the effect I got was a lot better. The isolation of one or two images on the screen made for a much more personal and eery experience.

Once I'd produced a wealth of scans I started to go through all of them on Photoshop, playing around with their settings. I found that changing the hue's of the images created movement that could look good in a GIF,
The lower resolution in the areas of the image where the scanner had elongated the scans has become an area of interest for me, I find the way it fragments and moves in time with the hue change to be really cool. I'm really excited about where these GIF's could go.