Tuesday, 8 May 2018


Following my trip to Ilkley Moore I continued producing collages in response to music and have been really liking the way my work is developing. I've spent a bit of time looking into the work of practitioners that use art as a means for exploring music visually and found the work of Kandinsky to be especially interesting. Kandinsky experienced a phenomenon known nowadays as synesthesia. A neurological condition whereby his hearing sense triggered also triggered his sight senses, leading him to see colour as he heard sounds. This influenced his painting greatly and helped him to generate a hugely successful career producing many abstract, vibrant paintings. I've been trying to incorporate similar methods into my own work. However since I don't see myself as a synesthesiest (?), I decided that talking to a person to get a bit more background on their feelings about a piece of music may help give me a slightly clearer understanding of their relationship with a given song. From their I can hopefully produce a clearer visual representation. 

Here's examples of some of the initial collages I have produced whilst messing around and simply listening to a song on repeat whilst trying to channel it's feeling and meaning into an image. Although I really like the slightly more personified images, I don't feel as though they communicate as clearly as the more interpretive images I have been making. 
I did find myself producing a few images that looked a bit more landscape-y and think these worked really well, it's like recreating the place where that specific song is able to take you mentally. 

Now that I am starting the get feedback from people on their chosen songs and what it means to them I can start producing my finalised images in order to start assembling my zine. 

Final Reflective Report

The extended project has allowed me to investigate a range of concepts and practical processes that are fundamental to my practice. I feel...