Been busy in the print room again this time recreating the 'Assumption of the Virgin' as a CYMK screen print. The prints are reaally fun! Even better when they're played around with a bit. Whilst I was printing I kept a playful attitude to the process and reprinted on some of them at different orientations which provided some kaleidoscope looking images. Also just using the squeegee on a certain section of the screen when printing causing only a section to be printed. The unpredictability of this process suits the kind of process used in Daniele Baldelli's mixing style that he discusses in the interview. I thought it would be good to try and incorporate his mixing process some how into the process of creating the art to sit alongside the interview. Need to do more of this!
Wednesday, 11 March 2020
Final Reflective Report
The extended project has allowed me to investigate a range of concepts and practical processes that are fundamental to my practice. I feel...
Through one of the links attached by Matt in the recent tutorial I had I found this website created by Simen Røyseland. Before being ...
DISCLAIMER: I only managed to get after effects running properly on my laptop around a week before submission, as I had an ongoing i...
So, after having a good chat with Ben the other day I feel like I have got my mojo back a bit. I often find the beginning phase of the big b...