Thursday, 18 January 2018

End of Module Evaluation

This module has been really useful in breaking down my original preconceptions as to what illustration is and what it can be. I have learnt a whole new understanding of ways through which drawing can be applied. One thing that has made quite a big impact on me is the variety that can be achieved simply through line and mark making. Playbook was a really useful session for this and I found it particularly enjoyable. I noticed throughout the module that the work I was producing in playbook sessions was slowly beginning to integrate itself into my studio briefs and I became less inclined to hold back. I think that I could have perhaps put a bit more effort into the work I was producing and next module this is something I aim to improve. This will involve allowing myself more time to develop my ideas in future projects. Also in the next module I would like to incorporate screen printing into my work more as it’s a process that I find particularly enjoyable and rewarding. After completing this initial module I now feel much more comfortable as I have a better understanding of the course and the way things work in general. So I think that in future I will find it easier to get on board with things. Another thing that I want to give more time to in the coming modules is digital work. I want to spend more time using illustrator and other computer softwares as I feel that those skills are particularly important considering the industry I may be entering in my working life. One of the last sessions that we had for playbook involved observational drawing. I really love drawing from life but find it challenging at the best of times. So I think that this is an area that I should pay particular focus to in order to improve and progress. Assigning myself more time to draw from life is something that would be really helpful in future projects. 

In summary I have really enjoyed the past module and have found myself with a wealth of new interests thanks to it.

Final Reflective Report

The extended project has allowed me to investigate a range of concepts and practical processes that are fundamental to my practice. I feel...