With a much clearer idea in my head as to what designs I wanted to take through to the printing stage, I have begun digitally manipulating some of my designs. These ideas I really like as I like the juxtaposition that is created through placing the eyes neatly into the shape of a brain. I think it pulls together themes of hallucinations and the brain into a fairly recognisable concept. Saying this, I do however think that the ideas need a little more work to make the theme more evident.
I scanned in some of my drawn ideas in order to play around with them using photoshop and illustrator. I find using these programmes to be a really important stepping stone in my design process as this is where I'm able to generate a tonne of variations in not so much time and so I often find myself very inspired and excited at this stage.

I don't think that the colours in the above ideas work very effectively. The idea seems to get lost in a pink sauce and it doesn't really go much further than there... I do plan to use this idea for the screen print workshops coming up so hopefully they will look a bit different when produced through screen.