Saturday 2 May 2020

Peer Feedback 02/05/2020

Current state of publication: 

- Have changed the overall theme of the publication to a more minimal black and white layout which I think works better and makes the inclusion of my imagery better. As with the colour and CMYK kind of theme I was going for previously it became very difficult to add such a vivid and wide ranging selection of images without the piece becoming overbearing. 
- Have decided that I am not going to include the screen prints that I had created prior to the pandemic. The reason that I have decided this is that I don't feel I had the chance to develop those ideas far enough and they would not sit as tightly with the work I have been creating digitally since uni closed. 
- Decided to incorporate type in a mainly column style layout which resonates well with the idea of it being a magazine of some sort. However, this will not be the only layout I will use. I also intend to work the type into some of the imagery to add some depth and a sense of play to the spreads. Believe this is important in engaging the reader and helping the text/artwork exist as one.
- Due to the nature of the publication now being inspired by old magazines I decided to include some vintage advertisements on a couple of the spreads. These are ones that I found in a charity shop a few years ago and have just had up on my wall. In order to maintain some originality and not just slap them in I edited them further. Changing the colours, liquifying and editing the shapes in places and also adding a scribbled, doodle like layer on top to communicate that sense of this being a relic from a different time. 

Danni (Graphic Designer): 

- Who is the target audience? Fans of Daniele Baldelli & Cosmic Disco + Electronic music fans in general. 
- What has influenced the layout? Music of Daniele Baldelli & Cosmic Disco, Old Magazine layouts - specifically music ones from the late 70s/80s.
- Typesetting needs to be tighter on pages 5, 6, 8 &14. 
- Pages 16 & 17 really heavy type. Would look better if spread out over next two pages with inclusion of an image. 

Esme (Viscom @ LAU):

- Like how pages are taking elements from what he is saying, for example when he describes his first club as darker and the second club as lighter this is reflected on the page through the simple use of black and white pages. 
- Pages 12 & 13, the type set is too wide and needs to be reorganised. Either more space between type and image or different layout. Looks too heavy. 
- Pages 8 & 9, the pattern on page 9 doesn't compliment the overall spread. The image of the hand on 8 is strong and doesn't sit well with the image on the following page. Need to change the layout and image. 

Images of specific areas peers are referring to: 

This feedback has been really important as I think that these changes are things I may have overlooked. I aim to tidy all of this up now before moving forwards. I completely agree with everything advised by both Danni & Esme, especially in reference to pages 8, 9, 16 & 17. Will try to come up with an alter illustration/layout option for pages 8 & 9 and also 16 & 17. In order to ensure the new designs are succesful I will aim to bring it up for peer feedback again at a later date. 

Final Reflective Report

The extended project has allowed me to investigate a range of concepts and practical processes that are fundamental to my practice. I feel...