Saw this opportunity sent into the course group chat and thought it would be a good chance to get some of my work shown, considering the lack of physical degree show for us this year. They asked for a submission of a single piece of work and a short explanation about it. I decided to submit the cyborg image below as I just love it and feel really proud of it, I feel that it also represents a bit of a turning point in my practice. Quite mad to look at this and compare it with the type of work I was creating in first and second year - much more flat and almost exclusively made on illustrator. I feel now as though I've become way more comfortable with digital process and bloody love them. The piece below explores the cult like feel of Cosmic Disco, especially during the period when Cosmic (club) was around. Through my research I came to understand it as a bit of a cliquey (but in a good way) movement where you only really knew about it though word of mouth or hearsay. This image explores this idea with this 'cyborg' shushing as if to prevent fans from spreading rumours of it to far and ensuring it remains a special secret. It was influenced somewhat by the artwork around in the 80s which often used airbrushed styles and seductive imagery.
Final Reflective Report
The extended project has allowed me to investigate a range of concepts and practical processes that are fundamental to my practice. I feel...
Through one of the links attached by Matt in the recent tutorial I had I found this website created by Simen Røyseland. Before being ...
DISCLAIMER: I only managed to get after effects running properly on my laptop around a week before submission, as I had an ongoing i...
So, after having a good chat with Ben the other day I feel like I have got my mojo back a bit. I often find the beginning phase of the big b...